Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Restrictions on life How to Deal

There were many stuff that the Franks and VanDaan families had to face with. One of the the stuff they could not do was walk, run, or talk that loud because if they did, the Germans or the people working beneath them may find out and do stuff to the them. They also had to try not use the restroom because if they did, it could be heard when it was going down through the tubes. It was really hard for them not to play their favorite games, talk, having conversations, and for Anne, not playing or even admiring her cat. They were not used to these things or lives so it was pretty difficult the way they lived.

One of the ways that I am forced by living is by going to school every single day except on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. I say I am forced to live this because if I do not follow this rule, my parents will go to jail/get in trouble by the police and I will not get the right education that I am supposed to get. Another restriction where I am supposed to live is brushing my teeth two times a day for two minutes. There are three reasons why I do this and the first one is because I want my teeth to be clean and healthy. Second, if I do not brush my teeth, I will get in trouble with my parents and third, I also do not want people to make fun of how my teeth are dirty so that is the reason why I brush my teeth.

I would reacted real nervous if I was in the situation as the Frank and the Van Daan families because I am not really used to not talking with my family and staying in only one place. I would not resist it and I know that my family would neither we usually communicate with each other and we do not keep secrets from each other which also means that we talk to each other a lot. my family would be very sad and not very happy.

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